Monday, December 1, 2008


"The New York Post "has no business reason for being other than to prosecute political and business grudges and to entertain Murdoch himself," Wolff writes. A Murdoch newsroom is about "pursuing Rupert Murdoch's interests, hitting Rupert Murdoch's enemies over the head," Wolff observes later. Murdoch believes that no real business power can be amassed without political connections, and the Post, however shoddy, has provided him a seat at the table on every level of New York politics."

Change From the Top

Change From the Top - Washington Post

"Setting aside the obvious -- his use of complete sentences, free of words yet to be discovered -- he is uniquely positioned to change the world on multiple levels."

Inauguration Cartoon

The macho stimulus plan

The macho stimulus plan - Boston Globe

"Jobs in construction and many of those that come with green investment often pay decent wages with benefits. But they are overwhelmingly held by men. Outside of trickle-around effects, this stimulus package will not create jobs for women in any close proportion to the numbers that will be unemployed. Almost one-quarter of families with children under the age of 18 are headed and supported by women as are the majority of single-adult households without children. This package will not put food on their plates"

U.S. 'Not Getting What We Pay For'

U.S. 'Not Getting What We Pay For' - Washington Post

"A high-performance 21st-century health system, they say, must revolve around the central goal of paying for results. That will entail managing chronic illnesses better, adopting electronic medical records, coordinating care, researching what treatments work best, realigning financial incentives to reward success, encouraging prevention strategies and, most daunting but perhaps most important, saying no to expensive, unproven therapies.

"There is more than enough money in the system," said former House speaker Newt Gingrich, who runs the District-based Center for Health Transformation. "We just are not spending it well."

Obama & Clinton - Answering the Whys

"Put simply, picking Clinton shows Obama's bigness -- that his pledge to bring in the best and brightest regardless of their past political entanglements is more than just lip service."

"That Obama and Clinton could stand together on a stage -- one as president, the other as his secretary of State -- speaks to the unpredictability and soap-operatic nature of politics."